Oyez, oyez, oyez, town crier to declare Somercotes Christmas Market open
Local town crier Karen Bailey will proclaim the Somercotes Christmas Market open this weekend as festivities get underway in the Derbyshire village.
The season of goodwill will officially begin on Saturday, November 30, in Somercotes as the Somercotes & Somerlea Community Parents Trust Association holds its first Christmas Market in the Parish Hall.
Up to 30 stall holders are due to attend. Community groups will provide entertainment for shoppers, and Santa himself will make an appearance.
Debbie Wood, member of the organising committee for the event and secretary for the Somercotes & Somerlea Parent Trust Association, said: “This is the first Christmas market that the group has held, and it’s set to be a great event. We've got indoor and outdoor stalls, choirs and dancers, and fingers crossed, a couple of surprises too.”
Debbie, 57, who has lived in Somercotes for the past four years, said that she hoped the event would become an annual fixture in the local event calendar.
A selection of stall holders will be bringing their produce to the market. Lined up are craft stalls, food vendors, sweet stalls, and Santa and his elves in an inflatable grotto.
Debbie said: “There’ll be a sleigh full of community spirit too”.
Amber Valley Voices community choir will make an appearance on the day, Alfreton Treble Clef Girls and Ladies Choir will be singing carols around the Christmas tree, and carols will also be sung by members of the 1st Somercotes Beavers and Cubs.
Stardust Line Dancing group will also be making an appearance, dancing to specially selected Christmas songs.
As well as entertainment and shopping opportunities, there will be a raffle with prizes designed to reflect the current economic landscape and the needs of the community.
Debbie said: “We’re all mindful of the cost-of-living challenges and so our raffle prizes reflect this.”
First prize is £150 cash prize. Also on the table is a small goods hamper including a kettle, toaster and an air fryer, a food hamper, toy hamper, cleaning hamper and drinks hamper among other prizes.
Debbie added: “We have had some amazing support from local parents, friends, family, businesses and Amber Valley Borough councillors John McCabe and Elaine Sherman. The councillors are always very supportive of the Parent Trust Association, our events and projects.”
Cllr McCabe said: “It promises to be a superb community event and Amber Valley Borough Council is proud to support it.”
Somercotes & Somerlea Community Parents Trust Association at a previous event
Alongside Cllr McCabe and Cllr Sherman, is Cllr Scott Walker, chair of Somercotes Parish Council, who, at 5.30pm will be turning on the Christmas tree and Parish Hall Christmas lights.
The Reverend Imogen Black will bring the Christmas market to a close by leading community carols around the Christmas tree.
The Christmas market will take place at the Parish Hall, Nottingham Road, Somercotes, on Saturday, November 30, from noon until 6.00pm. The town crier will officially open the event at midday.
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