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Library Members Encouraged To Check Details Are Up To Date For New System

Published on Friday 15 November 2024

Derbyshire library service users are being encouraged to check their membership details are up to date before the introduction of a new system in the new year.

The new Library Management System (LMS) will be introduced in February 2025 and will replace the current system at all Derbyshire County Council-run libraries. 
While any disruption to customers will be kept to a minimum during the switchover, library members are being asked to check their membership details are up to date now so that they can continue to log in to the services they use after the system changes over.
The new system will modernise how Derbyshire libraries work day-to-day and be more cost-effective and efficient. 
It will be used by staff for issuing, returning and renewing items and for checking the catalogue for customers to make reservations, as well as ordering and rotating books and other stock. There will be a new and improved look to the online public access and library users will still be able to access services from home.
During the switchover which will take around one week, some services will be unavailable, but more information will be given to users nearer the time.
The council’s library service is part of a consortium of six East Midlands council library services which have joined forces to secure the contract for the new system which makes it more cost-effective for those authorities involved.
Derbyshire County Council Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Leadership, Culture, Tourism and Climate Change Councillor Barry Lewis said: “The new library management system will play a key part in ensuring we are delivering a modern, user-friendly library service of the highest quality, that is as efficient and effective as it can be for customers and staff.
“To make the switchover as seamless as possible for our library service users we’re asking them to check their membership details are up to date now so they don’t lose access when the new system comes online. It’s simple and takes a few minutes to do.”
Further details about the switchover to the new library management system will be publicised in the new year, with information available on the council’s website.
Anyone with any queries about their membership can ask a member of staff at their local library or email
To check details are up to date, library members need to log into their account and then simply check the correct information is there. 
Anyone who regularly uses a library should be up to date, but those who haven’t visited a library for a while or only use eServices may find their details need updating. 
People can either do this online here or call into their library to update.


Article by Derbyshire County Council

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