Amber Valley extends public consultation for Pre-submission Local Plan
Residents in Amber Valley are being consulted on the finalised submission of the borough’s Local Plan.
The plan, which guides the future development of Amber Valley, is in its final stages and is almost ready to be examined by a Government-appointed inspector.
However, it will only be submitted after a public consultation, in line with Pre-Submission Local Plan Regulation 19 and 20 Publication.
The Pre-Submission Local Plan was published on Friday, February 16, 2024, and the period that representations can be made has been extended to 4.30pm on Wednesday, May 1.
Copies of the Pre-Submission Local Plan, together with supporting documents are available to view on the council’s website at and at the following locations during normal opening hours:
Alfreton Library, Allestree Library, Belper Library, Duffield Library, Heanor Library, Mackworth Library, Ripley Library and Town Hall (AVBC Offices) and Somercotes Library.
Representations should relate to matters of legal compliance and soundness and can be made by completing a standard representation form, which can either be completed online, or downloaded from the
Forms will also be available on request by emailing or by telephoning 01773 841584.
Representations can be submitted online, by email to or by post to The Local Plan Team, Amber Valley Borough Council, Town Hall, Market Place, Ripley, Derbyshire, DE5 3BT.
All representations must be received by no later than 4.30pm on Wednesday, May 1, 2024.
For any further information, please contact the Local Plan Team at or on 01773 841584.
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