Derbyshire Ornithological Society
Categories: Wildlife & Conservation
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The DOS was formed in December 1954 and is a registered UK charity. With a membership of approximately 550 we are the only organisation that covers the whole county of Derbyshire. Our aims are to promote the recording, study and conservation of birds and their habitats within the county.
This is the organisation and website for you if you want to know what to see and where to go in Derbyshire. We provide the opportunity to go one step beyond a general interest in birds for ornithologists who want to be more involved in bird watching, surveying and conservation.
The Society publishes the Derbyshire Bird Report every year which is the definitive statement on the year. It contains a systematic list together with reports on firsts for the county and other interesting articles. We also publish a monthly Bulletin (except July) to members and this website contains bird information as up to date as resources allow.
From September to April we run an Indoor Meetings programme with a wide varity of topics and guest speakers at venues around the county. There is also a programme of field trips to birding hot spots around the country and local trips to sites within the county either by mini-bus or via your own transport. An ideal opportunity for the experienced and not so experienced to meet with other birders and inprove thier knowledge.
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