#AVYourSay Virtual Chat
Categories: Local Information
The #AVYourSay event was started by @AmberValleyInfo, @SocialMyna, @TreeHugga, @AbacusBelper and @AmberValleyWines to encourage businesses and groups in and around Amber Valley to network with other businesses, existing customers and potential new customers.
This virtual event is held every Tuesday evening between 8pm and 9pm.
All you need to do is enter #AVYourSay in the Twitter Search box and you will see the conversation, if you want to join in then include #AVYourSay in the tweet.
If you would like to join in then here are a few tips to get the most out of the event
Remember Twitter is a conversation, don’t keep putting an advert out every few minutes – people will get bored with it very quickly.
Start off with a brief intro – Who you are, what you do, who you’re looking to connect with. If people join later they can always look back through your feed to see what you said.
Ask a few interesting questions – This will help start conversations
Share your thoughts – Answer other people’s questions, or perhaps respond to others’ “we’re looking for xxx” with people you might know
Be helpful – Share your knowledge & experience
And don’t forget to stay positive
We also have pages on LinkedIn and Facebook to promote #AVYourSay
LinkedIn Page | Facebook Page
Other Twitter Chats are available that cover a wider area than just Amber Valley. #DerbyshireHour and #EastMidlandsHour both have LinkedIn pages where you can find out more
Derbyshire Hour | East Midlands Hour
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